==== This product offering is discontinued =====
FAX/Data Relay Control SoftwareSoftware Overview Communication systems using advanced voice compression techniques require special on-line signal handling to pass FAX/Data traffic in the available channel bandwidth, typically 16Kb/s or 8Kb/s. Relay systems automatically recognize and demodulate the FAX/Data signal to recover the "baseband" data stream, ranging from 2.4Kb/s to 14.4 Kb/s. This data is then formatted and passed through the link for re-modulation at the remote end. ILLICO's Relay control software provides modem control, data formatting, and end-to-end protocol for real-time communications control. The software is written in C-language for compilation to either floating point (TMS320C3x) or fixed point (TMS320C5x/C54x/C55x) assembly language. Combined with ILLICO's assembly language FAX and Data modems, the Relay Control software creates a complete relay capability in a single Digital Signal Processor. The modem standards supported are:
Both T.38 and enhanced proprietary protocols are available to support various types of TDM and Packet networks including satellite, wireless, IP, Frame relay or ATM.
Program Memory Requirements
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Fax Modem | Fax / Data Relay | V.32bis | V.22bis | Multi-Tone | Cellular Text Modem | HDLC | V.21/V.23 |
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